About us:
Our Ambassadors

Sergio Bambaren
“delfine therapieren menschen is doing amazing work. When these wonderful creatures interact with the different kids the world becomes a better world. I personally have been a witness to the work of delfine therapieren menschen. When the kids meet the dolphins it’s not only the smile the dolphins put on their face but how they touch their soul. And as I use to say: ‘Whoever saves a life is actually saving the whole universe.’ It is an honor for me to be an ambassador for delfine therapieren menschen and to support their amazing work.”

Nomi Baumgartl
„I wonder Nomi for delfine therapieren menschen Children and Dolphins as one.“ Das ist die Kernintention des Einsatzes der international renommierten Fotografin für delfine therapieren menschen.

Christina Belte
“I’ve known delfine therapieren menschen for a long time and think that the commitment is amazing, which is why it is an emotional decision to commit myself to delfine therapieren menschen. As an ambassador I would like to help to pave the way for sick, handicapped and traumatised children to a happier and more independent life.”

Ilka Groenewold
„I think it is so important to give new hope to children through dolphin therapy. The effect those amazing animals have on people is just awesome. I am grateful to be able to support this project as an ambassador.“

Bernd Herzsprung
“An actor should also have something to say if their role doesn’t intend so. After getting to know superwoman Kirsten Kuhnert and her visions, I dived more intensely into the world of dolphin aid. The message is quite simple. To activate people in a laid-back manner, to discreetly bring the topic to other people’s attention and to panhandle money with charm and persuasion without having to disguise themselves.”

Christian Keller
“Our children are the most important thing on earth! As a father of three healthy children it is a special concern to me to create equal opportunities for the special children of dolphin aid. dolphin aid and dolphin assisted therapy can contribute to make the lives of those special children more liveable and as an ambassador, I would also like to do my part.”

Horst Kordes
“I’ve been supporting delfine therapieren menschen e.V. for years with total conviction through my art, because it is my utmost concern to enable a better quality of life and progress in therapy to special children and their family members.”

Rolf Milser
“I love children very much and I have five godchildren who all are healthy, thank goodness. For me, there isn’t a more beautiful thing than supporting children, and the achievements of dolphin assisted therapy speak for themselves.”

Irena Möbus
“An unforgettable moment for me was visiting dolphin assisted therapy in Florida, a special self-awareness. I was persuaded, spontaneously determined and ready to walk the path of personal commitment to support dolphin assisted therapy. IRENA and the rainbow kids want to help, and as time always works for the good cause, we support delfine therapieren menschen. Distant goals are best to reach together – come and help us.”

Silke Pan
“I have met and got to know many people with disabilities. They often must take strong medication and undergo debilitating medical treatments throughout their lives. How nice it is when you find an improvement directly in what life has given us: the water, the animals and among them these sensitive creatures, the dolphins! For delfine therapieren menschen I hope that people will recognize the added value of the organization and that they will be aware of how harmonious coexistence between humans and animals can lead to a healthy balance.”

Thomas Rupprath
“Water is my life. Dolphins are my favourite animals, and I love children more than anything. Seeing sick children makes me very sad, and it makes me all the happier to contribute, as an ambassador of delfine therapieren menschen, to support the idea and make it more public.”

Claudine Wilde
“Being an ambassador for delfine therapieren menschen is a task I take serious and I am grateful for the huge faith dolphin aid has in me. I will do everything in my power as an actress to give other people an understanding of dolphin aid and enlighten them about dolphin assisted therapy. Of course, I would love to convince as many people as possible of the wonderful work and goals of delfine therapieren menschen and, in the end, to support the willingness to donate for delfine therapieren menschen.”

Prinzessin Elna-Margret zu Bentheim und Steinfurt
“delfine therapieren menschen´s work has touched me from the beginning. It is great to see which small and big miracles one can achieve with this therapy. I am happy to be a part of this very special family!”